This week’s blog post is to once again comment on two of my classmates blogs. I have never thought about looking into non-profit public relations before until I started to look at open classes for me to take in the spring. When looking at Sacha’s blog, I see that the point of her blog is in fact non-profit public relations. Sacha talks about how nonprofits rely on research in order to help them see who is donating what and why the people are donating to the cause or company. She was able to find an article that was about nonprofits and how they do research but not for themselves but they really do it for the community so that they can see what is going on. Sacha sees that nonprofit public relations do not really understand or know how to conduct research and that if they did, it would be able to help them in the long run.
Another classmate that I wanted to comment about was Meagan’s blog which is about qualitative research for the Quinnipiac Women’s Soccer team. Meagan talks about how she never knew that the women’s soccer team was under observation during one or even most of her games. She mentions that one of their trainers works for Yale University and that he conducts many different types of observation with the girls. At first she says, none of us knew we were being studied until he finally told them. One type of observation that he used was surveying. He surveyed the girls to see how healthy they were eating and to see if that had any effect on them as they played in their games. At the end, the whole purpose of his study was to see if by being away of what the girls were eating and doing would improve them as a player.